
How to remove Google+ comment from your blogger blog

As the saying go, "In every Advantage, there is always a disadvantage". For those using Google+ comment on their blog, the amount ...

As the saying go, "In every Advantage, there is always a disadvantage". For those using Google+ comment on their blog, the amount of traffic generated, is quite cool.

I mean any user who wants to comment on your blog posts, automatically does this by using his/her Google+ profile. And the Post Topic URL, is automatically shared to his or her Google+ profile.

No matter how cool that is, it still has some demerits. One being that before anybody will be able to comment on your blog post, he/she must have a Google+ profile. To me, this is some way off. As it looks as if you are compelling a user to do what he/she doesn't or would not want to do.

Its your choice to live or remove this feature from your blog.

How to remove Google+ comment system
I once used this feature on this blog. My page view rapidly went to 15k. When I was doing a review of some of my contents, and its interactiveness. I discovered I was chasing some of my genuine visitors away. I then began to think how can i change this.
I went to my Dashboard - Settings - Post and comment settings, but it was not their.

After carefully thinking it through, I discovered I have searched everywhere except one place. Which is Google+. Then, i went back to my Dashboard, clicked Google+ lo and behold, it was patiently lying their laughing at me.

To initiate change
To initiate this change, carefully follow my below instruction.

Goto your blogger dashboard, scroll down to where you see Google+, click on it, you will see three options. Uncheck the third option and Bam.

You have successfully removed Google+ comment system from your blog.
Hope this was helpful. Encountering difficulty? Drop your problems below.

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