
Dance teacher jailed for having s*x with 17 year old student

Photo  credit:  Mirror  uk A dance teacher, Amber Telford, have been jailed, after she was caught having sex with a 17 year old boy, who is ...

Photo  credit:  Mirror  uk

A dance teacher, Amber Telford, have been jailed, after she was caught having sex with a 17 year old boy, who is also her student.

Amber Telford, 33, was said to have been having sex with the 17 year old in her car, inside her studio, and at her moms place.

The affair between  the pair, was uncovered  by a private detective who was employed by her husband,  after she had filled for a divorce.

The pair, were caught inside Amber's studio, under a blanket,  with their cloths scattered on the floor.

Police in Taylorsville, Utah, arrested Telford - a former NBA cheerleader with Utah Jazz - and she has now been jailed for 30 days after pleading guilty to unlawful sexual activity with a minor.

A court document stated the pair began flirting together before the relationship developed as she bought him clothes and paid for him to go to Disneyland for a dance competition.

It said: "She started by flirting with (the teen) and eventually began a sexual relationship with him that occurred at her home, her mother's home and also in a vehicle belonging to Amber."

The reports, also said that Amber, would pick the boy up in the middle of the night, and drive him to different  locations  where they will perform Sexual activities.

The affair was discovered late November, around two months after Telford had filed for divorce from her husband.

The court, ordered Amber to perform 150 hours of community service, register as a sex offender, and complete probation.

Source: Mirror uk

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