Teenage intruder shot dead by 11 year old boy.
An 11-year-old boy has shot and killed a teenage burglar, who broke into his house while he was alone with his younger sister. Reports, says...
An 11-year-old boy has shot and killed a teenage burglar, who broke into his house while he was alone with his younger sister.
Reports, says the the intruder, was struck in the head by the 11-year-old after firing a a handgun.
KTVI, reports that on Thursday, two suspects, had tried to break into the apartment of the 11-year-old boy twice
Around 2:30p.m, one of the suspects. Who is a 16-year-old boy, had broke into the apartment at St Louis, Missouri, through a front door that was unlocked.
Reports says the 16-year-old burglar, was shot by the 11-year-old who was at home with his sister who is 4-year-old.
After the gun shots, the second suspect, fled the house, but was later arrested.
Meanwhile, the police, are speaking to the mother of the 11-year-old boy, to ascertain the reason why the children, where left all alone, and how the boy got access to the gun.
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