
Am Enjoying Myself... Phil Jones Hit Back At Haters

Phil Jones has taken to social media to hit back at online fans who regularly criticize him. The Manchester United and formal En...

Phil Jones has taken to social media to hit back at online fans who regularly criticize him.

The Manchester United and formal England regular feels he's been an easy target for online abuse and trolls throughout his stay at United. 

Jones who is currently playing for United's U23 after recovering from a serious kneel injury has been a subject of troll and online abuse from both United's fans and other fans but insists he's still mentally strong despite the best efforts of cowardly figures.

"I must be an easy target," the England international has told The Times. "Every footballer has a tag and unfortunately, mine is, ‘Let’s have a laugh at him.’

“When my career finishes and I’m enjoying my life - and by the way I’m fortunate that I’ll be able to do that - the keyboard warriors will still be in their mum’s spare bedroom, sipping Pepsi that’s flat, eating a Pot Noodle, sitting in their boxers, tweeting.”

Jones also commented on the impact online trolls can have on footballers in this morden era. "In this society we’re living in at the minute, all the racism and stuff that affects mental health - I’d just say be careful. You don’t know how it’s going to affect players: physically, mentally, emotionally.

“We always go back to the same point: ‘Oh they’re footballers, they should be able to deal with it, they get so much money, have this lavish lifestyle.’ Take all that away, strip all that back and we’re just human beings.

“Listen, my problems are not bigger than the problems someone has to deal with in an office, I know that, but they are problems. Footballers have problems like anybody else, and maybe me talking can help players.”

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