
Nothing wrong with lesbianism - Juliet Ibrahim

Juliet Ibrahim
Juliet Ibrahim at the AMAA award night

According to Nollywood/Ghollywood screen diva, Juliet Ibrahim, in a recent interview with Ghanagist, said that there is nothing totally wrong with the act of lesbianism.

When asked if she has been with any girl before, the Ghanian, quickly shunned the idea. She said she does not practice the act, but she had kissed another female once, in a movie role.

Below are excepts of her interview
"I am not a lesbian. You will be wondering why I’m saying this because people always think I’m a lesbian. I always get questions when I play movie roles and stuffs but I’ve only kissed a girl once and that was in a movie and that was because I had to play a role. I’ve never been with a lady before.”

“There is nothing wrong with it. You can do your thing if you like it, but I haven’t been with a girl before,” she added.

Nigeria government though, is against the act of lesbianism, and has passed a sentence of 14 years in prison should anyone be caught in the act.

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